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As a reference, here is what the Proposal said about Prizes.....

Section 12 - Prizes

This section gives details of the prizes which shall be awarded for the
portion of the AGA International Aquascaping Showcase & Contest.

1. The Contest portion of the event shall require prizes for the winners of
various Classes as well as for Best of Show and People?s Choice Awards.
much deliberation, the organizing committee has decided that the most
suitable types of prizes would be a combination of both rosettes/ribbons and
merchandise prizes.

2. Rosettes/Ribbons will be awarded to the First, Second, and Third Place
winners in each Class as well as to the winner of Best of Show and People?s
Choice Award. This will require a total of 38 rosettes/ribbons.

3. Merchandise prizes will be awarded to the First Place winners in each
as well as to the Best of Show and People?s Choice Award. This will require
maximum of 14 merchandise prizes.

4. The merchandise prizes are to be solicited from major companies involved
the aquarium hobby industry, hobby magazines and the major mail order
companies catering to the hobby. A number of these companies shall be
contacted by letter and asked to participate. They shall be requested to
provide gift certificates, gift subscriptions, merchandise vouchers or
equipment, depending upon the business involved. It is hoped that we can
obtain mainly small, easily shipped items of interest to aquascaping

5. In return for their participation in the event, the companies shall be
acknowledged on the event web-site.

6. Due to the fact that this event is to be Web-based and open to entrants
possible winners) from all over the world, and also that the organizing
committee members are from at least three different countries on two
separate continents, co-ordination of prizes and the shipping of same could
prove difficult. A committee member has volunteered to receive, store and
ship all merchandise prizes.

7. The estimated cost of shipping 13 is based on an anticipated cost of
U.S. to ship each prize. Should we receive mainly gift certificates
andsubscriptions to award as prizes (as we hope and expect), the actual
costs will be much less than the estimate.


Entrance Fees (See Note 1.)                           $ 1500.00
CD-ROM Sales (See Note 2.)                            $ ???.??
Estimated Potential Income                            $ 1500.00

Announcement Letters to Magazines (See Note 3.)       $ 5.00
CD-ROM?s for Judges (See Note 4.)                     $ 60.00
CD-ROM?s for Sale to the Public (See Note 5.)         $ ???.??
Ribbons (See Note 6.)                                 $ 263.00
Merchandise Prize Solicitation Letters (See Note 7.)  $ 25.00
Mailing Cost for Merchandise Prizes (See Note 8.)     $ 260.00
Gifts for Judges (See Note 9.)                        $ 134.50
Mailing of Judge?s Gifts (See Note 9.)                $ 25.00
Estimated Potential Expenses                          $ 772.50

Potential Profit / (Loss)                             $ 727.50


6.The organizing committee suggests that merchandise prizes be awarded to
the First Place winners in each Class (12 prizes), as well as to the Best of
Show (1 prize) and People?s Choice (1 prize). This will require 14
merchandise prizes. Prizes are to be solicited from a variety of sources -
aquarium related. These solicitation letters are to be mailed out. We shall
request that companies provide something which is easily shipped (gift
certificate or voucher would be best), but if that is not possible, David
Youngker has volunteered to hold and ship prizes.

7. It is estimated that we should count on having to send out 50 letters -
everyone contacted is going to be willing to participate. Concentrating on
the major mail order companies (gift certificates), the hobby magazines
subscriptions), plant related companies (gift certificates) and the major
manufacturers (probably have to deal with actual prizes from these) like
Eheim, Seachem, Lamotte, Hagen, etc. we should be able to obtain enough
prizes for the contest.

8. Estimating the cost of mailing merchandise prizes presents a great deal
difficulty. The figure shown is an estimated maximum, based on an average
cost of $20.00 U.S. funds per prize for mailing. At this point in time, the
contest organizers have no way of knowing where the winners will live and
mailing costs could vary considerably depending on their location. As well,
we do not know the size and nature of the prizes which will be available to
award. It is hoped that the majority of companies contacted as potential
prize donors will provide either vouchers or gift certificates, which the
winners may redeem for their prizes. Gift certificates have the added plus
allowing the winner to in effect select their own prize.


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