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I've just received a note from Marineland that they wish to donate an
Eclipse System Six (6 US Gallon curved front acrylic tank, with hood
containing integrated bio-wheel filtration and light.) They will ship it to
anywhere in North America for us (because of electrical differences it can't
go elsewhere).

They _may_ send David some smaller, non-electrical items which could be
awarded to an off-shore winner.

According to my calculations, this puts the value of donations to date at
over $2,000.00 US. We still need at least nine more prizes (we have at least
29 prizes now, depending upon how we divy things up).

I'm kind of worried that the e-mail blitz is being seemingly ignored by so
many companies contacted - but in many cases I can't be sure who the e-mail
goes to. Hopefully, the physical letters I have been sending out will land
on some more receptive desks. Pretty much everyone who was contacted via
e-mail on the 15th-16th of May will be getting a letter shortly. Its slow
slogging with an old HP Deskjet Plus that long ago gave up any hint of auto
feeding paper, but I am able to print out a few letters each day (before I
lose my patience).

Erik, I will send you the graphics.


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