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* Update *

I just thought it might be time to take stock, and see where we are....

1. Prizes -
I haven't heard anything further from David, so I assume that no further
prize donations have come it lately. I have a number of letters yet to send,
so I guess that I sould prepare them over the weekend. To date, we have
potentially 35 Prizes or possibly 40, depending upon how we split things up
(like the Tropica donation - do we count that as 5 or as 10 separate
Prizes?). There is certainly no hurry for us to make any decision on this -
I just want to get as many prizes as I can and we can worry about sorting
them out later.

2. Ribbons - I don't expect that I need worry about this until shortly after
the end of September. We have to see if we get entries in each of the
categories and a month should be sufficient time to get the ribbons made up.

3. Judges -
To date, we have four confirmed Judges. We budgeted for five. I have not
heard back from Amano - he has not responded to either my e-mails nor to my
letter (which was marked to his personal attention). I don't know if he
speaks/reads English, so this may just have ended up in the garbage.

I know that Neil Frank knows Amano and has met him personally. Erik and/or
Karen, perhaps it might be time to ask Neil to attempt to contact Amano and
repeat our request that he consider becoming a judge.

4. Entries -
How are we doing on these Erik? Have any more people registered?

5. Publicity -
To say I'm underwhelmed by the reaction the magazines have given our event
is probably an understatement. Karen has said that mention was made of it in
AFM, but somehow that particular issue of the magazine never made it to
Canada. I have the once preceeding and the one after, but I have never seen
the issue which contained the notice. Dave Gomberg's mag apparently
forgot.... but in that case I'm not particularly worried as I would assume
that his subscriber list is still pretty limited to APD members.

Can anyone think of anything that we should be doing right now, other than
just waiting for the end of September?

I would like to contact all of the judges and let them know what we expect
of them and how they will get the images and remit their scores, but that
will need all of the judges decided upon first and Erik still has time to
figure out how he'd like to set up that material on the web site. But it
might be helpful to know the timeline. Once September 30th is past we shall
have to get everything scanned, arranged, burnt onto CD-ROM and mailed out
to the individual judges in plently of time to give them at least a month to
review the images and submit their results. I'd like to have all of the
judging completed by November 15th so that we will be fully ready for the
November 30th announcement date. I don't want to be mailing Prizes in mid
December as the Christmas mail rush could cause some to be lost or delayed.

Any thoughts?

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