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Another Prize Donation

No sooner am I complaining about no recent additions to our Prize list than
there is a knock at the door.....the UPS man is paying me a visit....

T.F.H. Publications has donated the following (one copy of each):

Complimentary 1 year Gift Subscription to T.F.H. Magazine  $ 40.00
Nature Aquarium World, Volume I   - Amano                  $ 36.00
Nature Aquarium World, Volume II  - Amano                  $ 36.00
Nature Aquarium World, Volume III - Amano                  $ 36.00
                                              TOTAL        $148.00

As with the Perfecto donation, since it is here, I'll hold onto the books
rather than paying to send them to David. They can be shipped to the winner
from Canada cheaper than transhipping them to the US and then sending them
out twice.

Erik - images to follow.

This brings us to at least 37 Prizes (if we award all three of the Amano
books as one prize, and they really should go as a set), with one more to
go. $2,723.00 is our new dollar total.


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