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Re: Test web-site

On Fri, 14 Jul 2000, James Purchase wrote:

> Erik, I like the way the pics are displaying on the prize page, and I'm sure
> the donors will like them as well.
> But I notice that on the test web site (this doesn't apply to the real web
> site), under language there are two entries for German and in both
> instances, when this is selected, the ability to re-select language is lost
> ("language" is replaced by a second instance of "change scale").

No problem... in essence, what's going on is that I don't always import
everything into the test database (which is completely separate and
independent of the main database).  This is why George's sample tanks
don't show up on tests either. So, my guess is that the test database has
an older version of the German content, probably without the language

When I make a change to the English resource file, I have to merge the
changes into the foreign language files before updating the databases.
Though it's a straightforward process, I want to minimize the number of
these merges by doing them only after I'm "done" with the English file.

Practical upshot: For tests of new content, the other languages may look a
little screwy.

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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