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People's Choice


I just posted another note to USENET regarding the event and something just
struck me.......pardon me if you have already thought of this, but we
haven't publicly discussed it much....

The judging is to be by ID number alone - the judges will not know the
identity of  the entrant until after the fact.

When do you plan on posting the entant's images and set-up details to the
web site? If we are going to have a "People's Choice" award, it would seem
logical that this selection be made during the same time frame that the
judges are reviewing the Contest entries. This would mean that on October
1st or as soon as possible after that, ALL entries to both the Showcase &
the Contest are online and visible to the public. You will have to arrange
things so that the personal details (name and address) of the entrants is
hidden from view until after November 30th, otherwise the anonymity of the
judging will be compromized but the images have to be up and online for the
public to have the chance to vote for the "People's Choice" award - so that
can be announced on November 30th as well.

Just a thought....


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