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Re: weekly update

The Judges portion of the web site sounds good Erik. I'm not planning on
entering, I figure that too many people would object to my entering even the
Showcase, due to my close involvement with the organizing of the whole
thing. Everyone else is of course free to decide this issue for themselves,
except for the Judges, who may enter the Showcase but not the Contest.

As for testing it out - like Dave, I would prefer to see bogus entries used
for the testing of the judges portion of the web site - I like the fact that
none of us has actually seen any of the entries so far (and won't, until the
Judges have passed comment). I don't think that it is necessary for you to
come up with "complete" entries - no need for drawings or details, but we
should have enough pictures from earlier to make 5 or 6 mock entries.

But as you are the one who will be saddled with the work, I leave it to you
to decide. If you DO decide to use real entries during the testing, I'd
think twice about allowing just anybody in on the testing, i.e. lurkers on
this list who have not contributed to our discussions to date need not
apply, nor feel slighted. The fewer people who can gain access to the judges
area, the better. I keep thinking of a 13 year old whiz kid burrowing into
the site and causing havock. If they can get into the Pentagon, they can get
into our web site.

On the categories, I think that we all expected that the Aquatic Gardens
classes would receive the most entries, hopefully however we will get at
least some entries in the others. We will have to take this into
consideration when it comes time to divvy up the donated prizes. If there
are (for example) 100 entries in the Aquatic Gardens classes and only 10 in
the Artificial Aquascapes classes, I would tend to favour awarding the more
valuable prizes (regardless of place, i.e. 1st, 2nd or 3rd) in those classes
which have received the most entries. But again, this is something that we
can worry about later, once we have the final counts for entries in each

I will begin posting "reminders" next week in the various online forums, and
from what you have said, I should probably hunt out some more non-planted
tank sites and forums to place notices. I'm still ticked off that none of
the magazines that I have seen so far have seen fit to publish anything
about the event, even though they all assured me that they would (the issue
of AFM which apparently had a plug never made it to Canadian news stands at
all). This is the case in all issues I have checked including the August
ones. We will need a different approach next year.


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