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Re: weekly update

On Sun, 6 Aug 2000, James Purchase wrote:

> The Judges portion of the web site sounds good Erik. I'm not planning on
> entering, I figure that too many people would object to my entering even the
> Showcase, due to my close involvement with the organizing of the whole
> thing. Everyone else is of course free to decide this issue for themselves,
> except for the Judges, who may enter the Showcase but not the Contest.

Oh heck, we should ALL enter the showcase part... I have absolutely no
problem with doing this even though I'm probably the person with maximum
conflict of interest second, perhaps, only to James. :)

> As for testing it out - like Dave, I would prefer to see bogus entries
> used for the testing of the judges portion of the web site - I like
> the fact that none of us has actually seen any of the entries so far
> (and won't, until the Judges have passed comment). I don't think that
> it is necessary for you to come up with "complete" entries - no need
> for drawings or details, but we should have enough pictures from
> earlier to make 5 or 6 mock entries.

Well, let me see if I get the time to do this.  Otherwise, I'll just
present it to some totally non-fish people at work.  Actually, we
have a nice usability lab with video I could probably use to make it even
more "psych experiment" like.  In reality, I'm less worried about the
judging thing than I am the registration path, which we tested to death.

> I keep thinking of a 13 year old whiz kid burrowing into the site and
> causing havock. If they can get into the Pentagon, they can get into
> our web site.

Oh heck yes...I probably shouldn't tell you about all the nifty potential
vulnerabilities I've learned about since creating the site. Some I've
covered myself from day 1 (like only letting people mess with their own
entries or see their own photos), some with the help of you guys (Jason
played hacker one day early in the testing and found a couple of
mistakes), and some I learned later from reading about exploits people use
with scripted interactive web pages. I know there's probably more lurking
about.  There's either a bug or an exploit (probably a bug) that has
caused the script to keep running indefinitely a couple times, bringing
the machine to its knees.  No clue on that yet.  However, I hope that more
13-year-old kids are interested in the Pentagon than finding out who the 6
people are who sent in pictures. :)

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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