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RE: 37...

> Midweek report.  37 registered entries with photos likely to pay.
> That's 193 photos and planting plans, folks.  53 "entries" exist on the
> site, but let's say five of those are probably no-shows.

Well, there's still just over a week, maybe you'll be swamped come Monday.

> The non-garden categories continue to languish. Biotope has 1 entry (and
> it's Lake Tanganyika fish in a planted tank.  Should we suggest they
> reclassify, or is it still "natural?"), Artificial 2, and Paludarium 3.

I've never actually been to Africa to see Lake Tanganyika, but I have seen
films and videos done underwater there and aired on the Discovery Channel
(as well as having several aquarium books with photos of the lake). I know
that there are _some_ plants in the lake, but as I recall they are mostly
grassy plants, certainly nothing like the diversity of species you generally
find in an aquatic garden. When you look at this person's images and the
data regarding planting plan, it is obvious (or stated) that he was
attempting to accurately recreate a Rift Lake biotope? Or did he enter it
there because he/she thought that they would face less competition than in
the Aquatic Gardens category (lets not discount that possibility). If the
entry is OBVIOUSLY misclassified (i.e. plants from areas other than those
naturally found in the Rift Valley) then I fear that the person may end up
loking a little foolish.

If it is obviously out of place, I'd say that it should be OK to suggest
that they reclassify. If they resist, ask someone from your local club to
look at it (someone deeply into African Cichlids) and see what they think. I
think that the bottom line is, we SHOULD have put something in the rules
about having the right to reclassify entries, if it isn't there already.

> Yesterday I went to the post office and picked up an entry sent from
> TURKEY!  It joins the others from Norway, Finland, Singapore, China.
> Interestingly, nothing from Germany, Japan or the Netherlands.

Very nice to hear that both Europe and Asia are going to be represented. It
could be that it might take a few "gos" at this before we gain the
credibility with people to get masses of entries.

> We're starting to get the diversity of entries we were looking for (at
> least within Aquatic garden).  If anyone's still feeling down about not
> having 250 entries, remember that the purpose of the showcase was to
> gather and display information on diverse aquascaping techniques from all
> over the world, and we will be doing just that!

Thank you, I needed to hear that...... :-)

James Purchase

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