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Re: AGA CONTEST - Digest V1 #375

James wrote:

> Great idea! We certainly have enough Prizes to go around. Remember, we can
> also have a Committee's Award, if we wanted to. Depending upon HOW we
> things up, we have around 43 separate Prizes (fewer, if we group things
> together to equalize values)

Just something you might want to consider, if you are having numerous
different voting bodies, one of two things will happen.  Either the same
tanks will get multiple prizes, or you are essentially saying, "we don't
agree with the judges we chose for this contest... here are the tanks WE
think should have won."  I don't have any problem with a "people's choice",
but I think if you split it too many ways, you might as well just hand out
prizes to everyone and let them vote for themselves.

BTW, I have  DSL line now. (not that it's all it's stacked up to be... It's
off line a good 20% of the time.  But when it's up, it's fast)


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