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Re: 49.....

49, 'eh? do I hear 50????

Thanks for the kind words Karen, but we've been banging away on this for
over a year..... you'll have to excuse some last minute jitters....

Erik, I thought that the AGA Photo Contest from a few years back had over a
hundred entries?

I'm aware how difficult it can be to motivate people to do anything - hell,
in the Spring several members of the local Toronto Plant Group were
grumbling about how infrequently we have been meeting. I set up arrangements
with a city operated Recreaction Center for us to have a regular (monthly or
bi-monthly, our choice) meeting space at no cost to us. Centrally located,
lots of parking, on Public Transit, great restaurants and fish stores in the
neighbourhood. When the "group" was told about it, the most often voiced
comment was that they didn't want anything so "structured". Go figure.......
we haven't been able to get a meeting together since.... I guess none of
them needs free plants....


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