Erik, I'm confused..... you latest list of countries from where we have entrants has: "Norway, USA, Canada, Singapore, Venezuela, Italy, Turkey, Indonesia, Greece." Earlier, on the APD, you had given this list: "... not to mention and Venezuala, Finland, Canada, and Indonesia too..." and earlier than that: "Yesterday I went to the post office and picked up an entry sent from TURKEY! It joins the others from Norway, Finland, Singapore, China." What happened to the entry from Finland and the one from China? Were they withdrawn or have the people not completed them/sent in the entry fees? James ------------------ To unsubscribe from this list, e-mail with "unsubscribe aga-contest" in the body of the message. To subscribe to the digest version, add "subscribe aga-contest-digest" in the same message. Old messages are available at When asked, log in as username is "aga-contest", and password "lookie-loo".