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RE: Final Tally..... and some clean-up

"Final tally not bad."

I'd call that a bit of an understatement. Well done! What time did you
finally get to bed last night Erik? I'm happier than a pig in you know what
to have gone over 70 entries when only two weeks ago we were hovering around
30. You've done a marvellous job handling the entries and the web site.

I've looked at the web site, following Erik's changes and notice the

Guidelines --> Submission Guidelines

3/4 of the way down the page:

"You should now be ready to complete your entry. As has been noted earlier,
this may be done in a number of ways and we have endeavored to make this
process as simple as possible. The Entry Form and Photo Release is available
[1] << in a format which you may print out >> on your own system at home and
submit through the post office. You may also enter online, by [2] <<
registering >> to use our Electronic Entry Form."

[1] Hyperlink leads to Entry Form

[2] Hyperlink leads back to Main Home Page with no explicit explanation that
the Contest is now closed to submissions. I know that it says so on the Main
Home Page, but people tend to say "duh" when they get taken somewhere other
than where they think they are going by a hyperlink.

Maybe we should just remove the hyperlinks from the text.

Regarding the "People's Choice" award, we may have (or rather, I may have)
backed us into a corner about what the "award" will be. In the FAQ, there is
the following text:

" Q. What are the Prizes?

A. Ribbons for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each category and class.
Additionally, we are contacting aquarium related businesses for prize
donations (merchandise, vouchers, gift certificates, etc.) which will be
distributed amongst the category winners and Best of Show.
The People's Choice winner (selected via viewers' votes) will also receive
both a Ribbon/Rosette and a merchandise prize."

Given the surplus of Prizes that we have, I don't think that this should be
a problem.

Erik, I know that you have been busy with the last minute entries, but
Seachem's donation has not been put into the Prize Page. Did you get the
graphics I sent to you?

Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I happen to think a cheer is appropriate right about

James Purchase

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