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Re: Finances

<<The projected
expenses were $772.50, with of course a potential surplus of $727.50 to
remain with the AGA.


had budgeted $263.00 US for buying and mailing the ribbons.

Just wondering but what do the projected expenses include? Wouldn't this 
estimate be MUCH lower since not ALL the categories in each division is 
filled? Here is what we have so far-

Garden      8   26  28
Natural     3   1
Artificial  2   3
Paludarium      6   1

So *IF* we decide not to break anything  up or combine any divisions then the 
total ribbons/prize package would be 24 instead of 38. Here is the breakdown-

3 small Garden, 3 medium Garden, 3 large Garden, 3 medium Natural, 1 large 
Natural, 2 small Artificial, 3 medium Artificial, 3 medium Paludarium, 1 
large Paludarium, 1 Best of Show, 1 People's Choice

We can simply buy 2 ribbons for small Artificial and 1 each for large 
Natural/Biotope and large Paludarium (after all why bother to send the person 
in that category first, second AND third prize ribbons?? that's overkill). 

So the question is-
DO WE COMBINE ANY OF THE DIVISIONS (say the medium & large paludariums and 
medium & large natural biotope since there is only one entry for the large 
competition is fierce in those categories and we want to spread the "wealth" 
AKA prizes)?

I see 4 possibilities

1)If we combine the divisions then the cost will be even considerably less. 
2)If we break up the medium and large garden divisions then the cost will be 
the same. 
3)If we both combine and break up the divisions then the cost will be the 
4)If we leave everything the way it is now then the cost will also be 
considerably less. 

Just some thoughts...
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