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RE: PrizeDistribution... Take 2....

James et al.:

Gosh,  I was gone for a week and come back to about 40 email messages about
the contest/showcase. I was surprised and eager to read them all. However,
by the time I was finished reading them, my head hurt.

I know you guys have spent MUCH more time going over this thing than I have,
but I have a problem with awarding a $400 prize for 1st place in one
category and only a $66 prize for a 1st in another category. After all, the
people who entered the contest had no control over how many others entered
their particular category.

I have a suggestion: why not combine classes if there were no more than five
entries in anyone class. For instance, the last update I have on the entries
is as follows:

             S   M   L     T
 Garden      8   26  28    62
 Natural     3   1   -      4
 Artificial  2   3   -      5
 Paludarium  -   6   1      7

Since all of the "Garden" classes have at least five entries, award three
prizes in each of those CLASSES (1st, 2nd, and 3rd for small, medium and
large), just as we had planned.

Since only one of the other classes has more than five entries, consider the

Combine all of the other classes within each of the categories and award a
total of only three prizes in those CATEGORIES (e.g., "Natural" 1st, 2nd,
and 3rd and the same for the rest of the categories).

While I think it is unfair to award a $400 prize for a first place in one
category and $66 in another (as I mentioned above), I believe it is just as
unfair to award someone a prize because he/she was the only person who
happen to enter that class.

My suggestion, by no means, solves all inequities, but I believe it would be
a fair way to handle this situation.

BTW, I entered the contest in the Large Garden Category. I don't believe my
suggestion would benefit me one way or another, but I haven't really thought
about it all that much.

Also, congratulations to everyone who stuck out the hard times and are still
around. I think we have accomplished something that we can all be proud of.
Special thanks to James and Erik for all of their hard work and dedication.


Ken Guin
Arlington, VA

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