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Lemme see if I understand this...... 56 entrants (21 AGA members, 35 from
Non-AGA folk).......74 entries (aquascapes)........right?

George Booth _assured_ me that he would enter...... if he didn't, I'll give
him heck! His test entry can surely be placed in the Showcase (freebie).
Just wait until he needs more Dupla fertilizer...... lol....

> Erik, are the entries /judging sections of the web-site ready for judging
> yet?

Heckyeah!  We just have to decide who judges what.  I can also expand it
so that we have four judges in all categories (i.e. everyone judges

I'd prefer it if each judge handled all of the categories...... that way,
any individual differences between the judges can be evened out. With only
74 entries, hopefully they won't mind. Now, if only Kaspar Horst would get
in touch......


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