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Re: Entrants/Entries/Judges

On Wed, 11 Oct 2000, James Purchase wrote:

> George Booth _assured_ me that he would enter...... if he didn't, I'll give
> him heck! His test entry can surely be placed in the Showcase (freebie).
> Just wait until he needs more Dupla fertilizer...... lol....

I bugged him too, but apparently a lot of things came up at the last
minute... well, he had a lot of excuses why things weren't ready at the
end.  Ah well, such as life.  Several people I was SURE would enter did
not end up doing it.

Other news: I do have the CD-ROM+internet "trick" working, and reviewing a
few friends' entries with them at their home (ok, any minute now... it'll
be done downloading...) I think the judges may wish to have them.  The one
piece that's still tripping me up is how to make it painless for the
judges to select where the CD-ROM is mounted... the basic URL is modified
to include this information, i.e.


on windoze machines, we have drive letters like "D:", "E:".  On unix, we
have mount points like "/mnt/cdrom", and (from poking around with the demo
machine at Costco) Macs name each device by some special name like "My
CD-ROM".  It feels stupid that I end up having to have them type in where
the CD-ROM is somewhere on a form on the web page, but oh well.

What I might do, if I have a little time, is write some quick windows
crap-app that launches the browser with the appropriate URL.  Kinda leaves
out the mac folks and unix guys out of the loop, but we'll see.

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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