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Breakdown of Sizes

"waiting for opening day" diversion #27:

Here is a graph with a point plotted for each tank entered in the aquatic 
garden category. 


I did this looking to see if there were any sorts of "clustering" about
certain sizes, and if we chose our size breakdowns well, and if we might
adjust them next year based on this info.

Where there is no clear breakdown between medium and large (basically
anything from 100-550L is more or less a continuum), To me there IS
indication that we might could raise the "Medium" cutoff to 90L, which
would include 20-gallon tanks in the Small category instead of Medium.  
Another thing that might seem reasonable based on the graph is spinning
out a fourth size category for tanks larger than 600L -- there were six
such entries this year.  Interestingly, these are both things we discussed
when coming up with the sizes to begin with!

Remember: Just feedback for NEXT YEAR.  See what you think.

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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