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Re: Announcement date

From: James Purchase
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 3:18 PM

> Dave, would this cause any problem for you, as you are
> the one who will be sending out prizes, potentially early
> in January?

Timing is not a factor for me - I can handle whatever arises.

When we've settled on things, I plan on going over all of the necessary
shipping addresses very carefully with Erik and then have them computer
generated for legibility. I also intend to place a label _inside_ the
shipment for "completeness" on damaged containers.

You're right - I have no control over what the shipper does with them if
they go out during the holiday rush. But that does bring up one point -
insurance. Most of the smaller items don't necessarily have to be insured if
you consider the potential replacement cost of the one or two that might not
make it compared with insuring *everything* before it goes out. At the same
time, you definitely want to insure the larger value items that would wipe
out any hope of a budget if they had to be replaced.

But, as you can see, I'm working my way back online, though I haven't caught
up on the "prize package" traffic and sorted through the possibilities. I'd
say that right now, insurance considerations could wait until we have
packages formed and values established - I just didn't want it overlooked
and mention it now so there's an archived note I can trace back to and
follow up on...


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