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Announcement date

To bring everyone up to speed....... Kaspar Horst is currently on vacation,
and we have been unable to contact him regarding his judging committment. He
is not expected back for another 2 weeks.

Given his initial enthusiasm for being a judge, and the prestige his
participation in this event affords, I'm very keen on having him with us. It
may require us to postpone the announcment of the winners from November 30th
to December 30th.

Nothing is final on this yet, but I just want everyone to know that this
_might_ happen. One (very) positive aspect to this would be to avoid the
"Christmas Rush" at the Post Office when we go to send out prizes and
ribbons. Things have a habit of getting lost at that time of year due to the
huge volume of mail that moves through the system over the holiday season -
if we postponed the date until the rush is over we can at least lessen the
possibility of things going missing.

Dave, would this cause any problem for you, as you are the one who will be
sending out prizes, potentially early in January?


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