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Re: Info for David

From: James Purchase
Sent: Saturday, November 04, 2000 8:20 AM

> I haven't forgotten your request for a complete breakdown of the various
> prize packages. I'be been upgrading various components of my computer
> during the last few weeks and hidden "gotcha's" with Microsoft products
> been keeping me busy.

I just put my system back together - lent the monitor to the AGA's
Conference for Erik's Showcase and Contest display. I'm about to head back
to George Booth's room with my VCR so we can watch highlights and other

> I have the list almost completed and will send you a copy once I'm happy
> with it. It will show which of us is responsible for sending out what and
> should help you with the logistics of making up the individual packages
> the materials you have stored.

Not a problem.

One note on the conference -

Amano had been invited to speak, and as with almost all things non-Nature
Aquarium related he begged off with a letter explaining his work
commitments. But closing the letter was an interesting note, and I quote
from the next- to- last paragraph:

Aqua Design Amano Co., Ltd will hold "First International Aquatic Plants
Layout Contest" next year. This is the aquarium layout contest for all the
aquatic plant lovers to get to know each other, and enlarge the circle of
plant lovers. I hope many American aquarists will send your planted aquarium
picture slide for the contest. The world aquatic plants lovers are looking
forward to seeing your wonderful aquarium landscape.

********* End Quote *********

Is it just me, or does it seem strange that the guy who couldn't make time
to judge OUR event has the time to conduct one of his own?...


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