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Almost back...

Typing live from the Nashville airport.... the conference was a big
success, and I am pretty sure it is the first of an annual ev4ent.  People
liked the preview of the showcase, and I heard a lot of "I *was* going to
enter but..." stories, so we may have lots of new material for next year.

One issue brought up at the business meeting this morning was that
Charlene (the convention organizer) had trouble getting sponsorshiup for
the event from the aquarium vendors, because they had already donated to
the showcase.  A suggestion was made to more tightly integrate these two
events next year.  This is actually kind of nice in other ways: 1) shared
PR to clubs and magazines allows us to take out fancy ads in the slicks,
and not tick off clubs by sending too many messages, 2) shared
manufacturer contacting means that we can have some of the prizes on
display in the vendor room at the convention, etc. 3) modified timing so
that the judging is complete and winners announced simultaneously at the
conmvention and on the internet.

Our little group did a hell of a job promoting the showcase.  Pat
yourselves on the back. From nothing, we assembled a PR force to be
reckoned with. :) Sometimes I forget this while we';re in the middle of
it, but I was reminded of this fact very clearly this weekend (just from
the problems experienced by the people promoting the convention).

More later... Gotta catch up.

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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