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RE: People's Choice Voting

I can forsee problems, but how "serious" are we talking?  I outlined how I
plan to run this in an earlier message today.  Which is worse, having a
difficult authentication scheme involving e-mail, limiting it to just the
entrants (and even there, it's not 75 people... some folks entered more
than one aquascape... and I'll bet less than half remember their account
and password to show back up for voting), or acknowledging that people
can be dishonest and vote lots of times?

Personally, I want to see how it goes.

  - Erik

On Tue, 14 Nov 2000, Ken Guin wrote:

> I don't remember the details about the "People's Choice Award". So I have a
> question: who will be able to vote for the award? Will it be anyone with a
> computer or just the 75, or so, people who entered the contest/showcase? If
> it will be anyone who has a computer, I can foresee some serious problems.
> Thanks,
> Ken Guin
> Arlington, VA
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Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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