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Contacting the winners


I've just sent out a flurry of e-mail messages to the winners, advising them
of their prizes and asking for them to confirm their mailing address (people
move.....). There are a few entrants which don't show e-mail addresses on
the index pages. Could you check to see if we do have email addresses for
these folks, or could you send me their full postal addresses so that I can
contact them:

Aquatic Gardens - Medium - Second Place: Ilkka Kallio
Aquatic Gardens - Medium - Third Place: Jeff Kropp
Natural/Biotope - First Place: Lori Shimoda
Artificial Aquascape - Second Place: Wade Shimoda
Honorable Mention #3: Chris Tsang

Other than these folks, everyone else has been notified of their win and
thanked for participating.

James Purchase

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