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Re: AGA CONTEST - Digest V1 #418

----- Original Message -----
From: Jose Correa Lohmann <jcl@ec-red.com>
> I have only one suggestion. It would be nice to have the badges
> of the places showing also on the index page of each category.

I agree.  This morning I didn't have much time to look at the site,
but I wanted to take a gander at all of the winning tanks...   Unless
I went back and forth between pages, there's no way to tell who won
(this coming from a man suffering from CRS disease...) when you're
looking at the category pages.

Despite that, the whole thing looks fantastic!  Erik, you really
outdid yourself.  For a while, I thought that this contest was never
going to happen.  James, you are really the one that kept this ball
rolling.  Quite a few more people made significant contributions to
this spectacle, and they also deserve to be thanked and congratulated.
It looks to me like we have ourselves a successful aquascaping

Erik, how long are you going to host those pages?  I know both drive
space and bandwidth is fairly cheap now, so I'm hoping this will be

Dave Engle
Jacksonville, NC

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