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Where we are......

Just an update on where we are........

I've now got all of the confirmed mailing addresses together and have broken
down the prize packages according to who has what (me or David) and who is
responsible to get what out to the winners. David now has a final copy of
this list so he can start mailing things once he gets some money from the
AGA treasurer.

I'm doing up covering letters to each winner and will be telling them who to
expect their prizes from (me, David, or direct shipment from the donor). I'm
going to include the rosettes/ribbons with this cover letter and attach the
Gift Certificates that I have on hand where appropriate.

I will also be mailing out the judges gifts either today or tomorrow
(depends on when I can find the time to get to the post office).

I'm in the middle of wrapping up the article for Mary and will get the final
cut to her this evening. And I want to find out from Kaspar what he
wants/expects from me for Aquarium Heute to accompany the photos on CD that
Erik is providing him with.

Erik, with regards to Mary's request concerning Practical Aquarium
(England) - do we want to do something in there that will also cover the AGA
Conference or just deal with the Showcase/Contest? I have yet to contact
them because I think that it might be useful to cover both events,
especially if they are to be integrated more closely in the future.


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