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Prize Confusion

Oh gosh.... this gets confusing.....

I had a minor panic attack yesterday concerning the items in the individual
prize packages..... I was attempting to collate the "prize listings" with
both the master spreadsheet I use to maintain the companies I have contacted
and with the individual letters I want to send out to the winners.

The problems started with minor confusion (on my part) about items which are
limited to US only delivery but that was simple enough  to figure out. When
I continued on my sorting process, I discovered that the Aquarium
Pharmaceuticals donation, which I had figured we could split into five small
prizes, only had 4 winners associated with it. Due to an entry error into
the master listing, for a while I thought that David had the physical
merchandise and I asked him to confirm this.

Poor David, I may have given him a hernia...... I'm really sorry about
that...it turns out that I found the message in the archives
(http://lists.thekrib.com/aga-contest/0005/msg00093.html) where I noted that
API will ship the stuff to the winners for us.

As I said to David privately, this part of the project is probably the most
exacting - I want to get it right. I'm not overly concerned about getting it
done quickly, and if some prizes don't get shipped until after Christmas I
don't mind - I just want them to go to the right people.

I'm going to run thru the listing one last time to make sure that I have
everything right and will post the results later this afternoon.


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