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A switch and a go-ahead

I've gone over the lists of prizes and winners closer that a Floriad ballot
supervisor and have finally satisfied myself that things are cool. My
confusion of yesterday was caused by thinking that Aquarium Pharmaceuticals
had sent their donation to David, when if fact they will ship the stuff out
to the winners on our behalf. During this search, I discovered that I had
only allocated 4 of the possible 5 prizes that this donation could be
divided into.

I have made one final switch - that darned Perfecto Undergravel filter was
pegged to be used as an HMA and the winner is a "plant person" who has no
use for such an item. I'm allocating the final API set to HMA for #24 Chris
Tsang, Vancouver instead.

This leaves me with an unallocated undergravel filter with a retail value of
approx. $20.00. According to the box it came in, it cost $16.00 US to ship
here. In my mind, it seems hardly worthwhile to pay to send this to anybody
if they aren't going to appreciate it. Unless someone wants it (and is
willing to pay for the shipping), I'm gonna donate it to a local aquarium
club to give to one of their younger members.

I have just received an e-mail from All Glass Aquarium, giving us permission
to auction off the 72 gallon tank. I've been holding off doing anyhting on
this until I had received this go-ahead. Now, I know it probably isn't hard
to arrange an online auction - but i've never done this before.

Can or should I register it with more than one on-line auction (there are
several)? Is it possible to set a minimum bid? Do we HAVE to accept the
highest bid (I'd be really pissed if we only get $50.00 for $500.00 worth of

How long can auctions be? How long should it be?


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