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Re: Amano's International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest 2001. (fwd)

On Wed, 27 Dec 2000, James Purchase wrote:

> EXCEPT....... if we are going to provide a link to THEIR site, I think it
> only FAIR that they be REQUIRED to provide a recriprocal link to OUR site.
> Otherwise, why are we even bothering? Amano totally ignored my efforts to
> contact him - we don't owe him any favours.

Well, first the link is not on the showcase site, it's on the AGA "Proper"
site. So it's more in the jurisdiction of the steering committee than our
little group here.  Personally, I've had my share of debating "we don't
owe XXX any favours" issues lately, so I'm just making that call as AGA
webmaster to put in the link.  The AGA is about promoting the hobby in any
way we can.  And second, from a general webmaster perspective, I've NEVER
required reciprocal links of anyone on any of the sites I maintain.  My
view is that I'm not going to put links in just because someone told me
they linked to my site, so I'm not going to expect them to do the same.  
We could ASK, but I don't see any links anywhere on their site, so I doubt
it would happen.

   - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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