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Re: Amano's International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest 2001. (fwd)

Mmmm.......I've got half a mind to write them at tell them that it isn't the
"First"....although it is the first one in the 21st century.....(2000 was
the last year of the 20th centruy...)....but why bother???

EXCEPT....... if we are going to provide a link to THEIR site, I think it
only FAIR that they be REQUIRED to provide a recriprocal link to OUR site.
Otherwise, why are we even bothering? Amano totally ignored my efforts to
contact him - we don't owe him any favours.

I notice that there is no entry fee but ADA owns the copyright........I
guess they expect to sell a lot of the booklets...... seems like that will
be the only way for folks to actually see all of the entries...... sounds
like much more of a "commercial" enterprise than ours was.... or ever WILL

The $10,000 US prize will attract a lot of attention, to be sure, but when
little old me, a complete nobody, can wring $3,000.00 out of a group of
companies for what we did, with absolutely no track record, I'm not too
worried about any comparisons. I'm quite sure that we can get a bigger prize
pool for next year, following the success we had this year. I also notice
that only a few people will be getting a prize...the rest get copies of the
magazine. Wow, underwhelm me.....


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