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Umm, not that I contributed much to the first one...

But weren't we pretty far along in organizing the first contest at this time
last year?  I'd really like to see this contest become an annual thing...

Do you guys think that last year's sponsors thought that their contributions
were "worth it" to them?  Do you foresee the same amount of prizes being
donated?  I think that if we have a pool of prizes that is comparable to
last year's, then this year's contest will be much larger...  We'll likely
get all of last year's entrants as well as all of the "oh, my tank looks
better than that..." people...

I must express my opinion on the judging.  I have a lot of respect for the
judges that we got.  I know that they are experts in their field.  But we
initially started this contest to find out how different people aquascape.
It seemed to me that some of the judging was very much based on the "Dutch"
style of aquascaping.  I realize that when a person has a lot of experience
in a single area, it's difficult to not let that experience bias your
opinions...  So, since I still value those opinions, but I wish for a little
bit more unbiased judging, I would like to see a larger panel of judges for
this year.  I know we tried to get more last year, but perhaps we could get
people from outside the "aquatic gardener" field...  This sparked a bit of a
debate last time.  Perhaps we should discuss this again, since the scarcity
of judges is one of the few things that I think needed improving last

Hope I don't sound like I'm complaining...  Last year's contest was great
and I think it was a fantastic success.  I just want to try to improve on it
in any way that we can...
Dave Engle
Jacksonville, NC
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