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OK, here we go... AGA Showcase #2

Hi there former (and potentially future) contest workers,

After prodding him for months, I just got word from James that he is
bowing out of managing this year's contest, so I have offered to take on
the overall supervision.

What we HAVE is last year's donor contact list, some club e-mail addresses
(Ken, David?), the software for running the event, all of the rules, and
the momentum from last year's event.

I propose that we don't spend too much time (if at all) revising rules, as
time is very short, and discussions of this nature have a tendency to drag
the progress down.  I have some lists of useful suggestions and feedback
from the archives, which I will post in the next week, but in the
meantime, I would like to accelerate getting the team together.

I would first like to know from the people on this list (and Roger), who
would like to stay on to help PRODUCE this year's showcase.  Here are some
of the things we will need:

  * Media contacts: magazines, websites, APD, etc
  * Club contacts: e-mail, snail mail (maybe)
  * Sponsor contacts
  * Prize wrangler
  * Ribbon/Plaque buyer
  * Judge wrangler

So please, reply if you are interested in helping (and which jobs you
would be willing to help with).  I'll be also posting to the APD in the
next couple days soliciting more help.

Thanks in advance!

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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