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Welcome Volunteers (long)

Short Version:  What would you like to do?  Reply to this message.


Long Version:

OK, the purge is complete on this list, and here we all are.
You are receiving this mail because you have responded to Karen Randall's
"AGA Call for Help" letter, or my similar but more specific note on the
APD asking for contest volunteers.  Thank you all very much for

So some general background first:  

Last year the AGA sponsored an Aquascaping Showcase & Contest, which ended
roughly September 30th, and the winners were announced December 1st.  The
contest portion of this event (the showcase-only portion was universally
ignored, and will be dropped this year) featured several prizes donated by
manufacturers and e-tailers of aquarium and plant-related goods.  You can
see these featured at the URL

Meanwhile, off in another wing of volunteers, the AGA also sponsored its
first convention, which was held the first weekend in November.  The
convention, brainchild of Chattanooga Horticulturist Charlene Nash, was a
rousing success, breaking even and having an attendance of 75 die-hard
aquatic gardeners from all over the country.  There was a vendor booth,
and donations & sponsorships were solicited from manufacturers and
re/e-tailers of aquarium and plant related goods, but apparently there
were problems with this, as manufacturers claimed that "we just donated
some stuff to you guys".

So here we are!  This year the AGA is attempting to share some of our
resources between these two events, so as to maximize cross-promotion, and
minimize stomping on each others' toes. In particular, some of the areas
we can improve:

  * Use common PR machine for clubs, magazines, websites, etc
  * Solicit GENERAL donations for both events, to be used as awards, door
    prizes, raffle items, sponsorship of booths, spaces on the program,
  * Match closing date of the contest such that the announcement happens
    at the convention (and simultaneously online).
  * Judge/Speaker crossover?  We need to solicit "big" people for both
    roles.   (This may be too late.)  

Hopefully Charlene will send a message to this list with her goals or
expectations for the convention.

Speaking from the CONTEST side of things, here are some jobs we need
volunteers on now:

  * draft letter and brochure announcing the event(s?)
  * update + find new e-mail contacts for clubs
  * update + find new e-mail contacts for manufacturers and retailers
  * update + find new contacts for magazines and other PR vehicles
  * solicit donations and sponsorships
  * research, order and send ribbons to winners
  * contact potential judges, and maintain relationship with them
    through the event

There will be other jobs, but these are the ones that have a certain
degree of urgency.

Ken Guin has an old list of e-mail contacts for clubs from last year.  He
will be coordinating the updating of this, so if you are interested in
helping with this, you will be working with Ken.

I have a spreadsheet of some manufacturers & retailers, which James
Purchase created last year from his work on donations.  Should you choose
to take on the task of "manufacturer contact updator" or "donation
solicitor", you will have the benefit of this list to start!

* So reply to this message with a quick introduction, *
* and which jobs you would be interested in!          *

This list will function as a meeting place to exchange status as the
planning progresses.  It will also most likely be occasionally used to
exchange documents for proofreeding or announce tests on the website.  

My main function will be to keep the websites and other documents current,
process entries, make sure that everything overall is being dealt with,
and that we meet the deadlines.  Hopefully that makes some kind of sense.


ASAP (but not super critical): 
      Contact and get committments from Judges
      Solicit Prizes, Donations, Sponsorships
      Contact Clubs
      Website updated

May 1 OR EARLIER: PR Goes out to Magazines (3 month lead time -- gives
                  August announcement)

September 15: Contest closes, judging begins
November 1: Judging is Completed.
November 9-11: Convention in Chattanooga, Contest Winners Announced

Welcome aboard!

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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