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RE: AGA CONTEST - Digest V1 #440

Still here.  I could help out with the ribbon/plaque ordering and whatever
other little things need to be done (creating PDF files and the like).  I
know James did a lot of work on this last year, and I'm almost positive I
don't have the same amount of free time that he did. :-)

Dave VanderWall
Minneapolis, MN

>I would first like to know from the people on this list (and Roger), who
>would like to stay on to help PRODUCE this year's showcase.  Here are some
>of the things we will need:
>  * Media contacts: magazines, websites, APD, etc
>  * Club contacts: e-mail, snail mail (maybe)
>  * Sponsor contacts
>  * Prize wrangler
>  * Ribbon/Plaque buyer
>  * Judge wrangler

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