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On Fri, 27 Apr 2001, Roger S. Miller wrote:

> Roger, this might just be me being overly sensitive, but I don't
> appreciate the underlying "aggressive" tone in your last two replies.
> If you could word things in a more constructive manner, perhaps it would
> be easier for me to address your points.


My letters weren't intended to be caustic, so I'm sorry if I offended.
The same apology goes to others on the list who found them abrasive

As to the first of the two letters, I think you're right.  My time would
best be used doing something that doesn't overlap with the needs of the
conference.  I hope that doesn't leave you short of people for promotional

As to the second letter, both of my suggestions regarding judges should be
considered serious.  Unfortunately I can't give you a name of an artist
(other than Takashi Amano) who's interests run along the lines of aquaria,
paludaria, or even diarama.

I went down to the LFS and traded in my credits to get the "Aquarium
Style" book, expecting it would provide a means of contacting the author.
His name is Matthew Christian.  The book is published by Barron's
Educational Series Inc.  The blurb about the author says.

"Matthew Christian is a Londoner, a man of several professions, including
writing, acting, and modeling.  He has kept freshwater aquariums since the
age of six, and is now an avid and well-informed aquarium hobbyist."

The book has some photos that probably could have taken the "artificial"
category hands-down, but they are all aquariums composed for the photos,
not long-standing show tanks.

Mr. Christian might see judging the contest as a means of promoting his
book.  The same goes for his publisher.  If you want a judge who's
background extends beyond the Aquatic Garden theme then Mr. Christian
seems like a reasonable candidate.

That makes me ask (since my list is at home and I am not), was Barron's on
the original list of contacts?  If not then it seems like they could be

As to other judges, I would be happy to see judges from the first event
return for the second.  Especially Karen.  Her effort was one of the best
outcomes of the whole contest.

Roger Miller

Oh yeah. I used "into" to mean "making an effort toward and reasonably
accomplished with."

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