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Someone wrote:

> > Karen has suggestedw this as well.  I think it's a good idea too!

Then Roger wrote:
> What is the up side?  It would be like having a boxer judge a gymnastics
> meet.

Just for the record, the person I suggested way back when was Lee Finley.
Though he is best known for his expertise with catfish, Lee is an aquarist
with a tremendous amount of experience in many areas.  He judged the very
competitive Boston A.S. Home Show for many years (I think about 12) before
he "retired".  For most of those years, I went along on the homeshow trip to
act as driver and videographer.  I fully trust his ability to judge the
aesthetics of an aquascape, planted or otherwise.

I was _NOT_ suggesting a boxer to judge gymnastics in this case, and I doubt
that I ever suggested just any old fish keeper as a judge.  I suggested a
specific person whose abilities are well known to me.


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