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Contest Planning Update

Hi folks, just wanted to drop a note & explain what's up this week.

1. Website.  Now live, and actually getting entries!

2. PDF's on the website.  Along the "simplify, simplify, simplify" lines,
we only have TWO PDF's this year.  One is a single-page poster, and the
other is a 4-page brochure that is printed 2-sided and folded in the
middle.  Feel free to check them out under the "Press Kit" area of the
website.  Thanks Dave Vanderwall, who has been working with me on these
tirelessly (I figured out how to get the check marks at work today!).

3. Ken, I think we're ready for you to spring your E-mail bombs on the
world, whenever you're ready.  Still looking for a VOLUNTEER to contact
the magazines...

4. I am working with Charlene to draft a letter for the sponsors.  I
filled in all the stuff I know about the contest; she's doing the
convention bits.

5. Judges.  Karl Schoeler has accepted.  No word from Lee Finley or our
European friends.  Have not contacted Jeff Kropp yet (wanted to wait for
the Europeans and Lee first).  Still working on this front. 

6. Last year's contest was written up in _Aquarium Heute_.  I don't know a
bit of German, but the spread looks nice.  Will try and scan in the pages
for interested folks to peruse.

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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