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Botanical Art

A "floater"....just to see if there is any interest in the idea...I may take
this to the AGA-member list unless I get shot down soundly....

Our Aquascaping Contest is focused on how people arrange their aquariums.
There seems to have been sporadic but ongoing interest and discussion of the
APD regarding the "art issue". One area where "art" is very apparent is
botanical illustration. I have several books which contain really nice
examples of illustrations of aquatic plants. What about setting up a section
of the event (or a paralell exhibit) of entrant submitted botanical art?
Maybe some of the AGA members like to draw or paint their aquariums and/or
aquatic plants. Maybe some professional artists would like to submit
drawings/sketches/paintings of aquatic plants.

It wouldn't add to our workload - they wouldn't be included in the
aquascaping judging, but they might be very nice to see (if any got

What do people think?

James Purchase

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