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Charlene's response

Here is Charlene's response to my first email to her:

-----Original Message-----
From: Charlene Nash [mailto:ecn@tennis.org]
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 8:31 AM
To: 'James Purchase'
Subject: RE: Cooperation between AGA Convention & AGA Contest

Hi James, thanks for writing. Yes, you are right about 2000-it was hard to
get a lot of support due to the conflict with your already having solicited,
but last year was really good. It worked out very well to solicit general
support and then after receiving all the prizes, Erik and Karen decided
which prizes went to the contest and which prizes went to auction, or door
prizes etc that simplified the shipping and handling as the bulkier stuff
went to the auction, brought good money then the buyer took care of it! I
wrote a general letter to all prospects explaining our contest, website
listings, convention and also invited them to be a vendor if they wanted to.
That way they could do whatever they wanted and it still benefited the whole
AGA thing (contest and convention). The price for vendors is $300 which
includes one free registration to convention and there is a fee of $100 if
they want to be included in the registration packet with brochures, flyers,
coupons etc which several did. Luis Navarro in Houston is receiving all
prizes and keeping up with them for us so we don't have to lug stuff to the
convention. David Lass had agreed to do our soliciting this year for
convention and contest already before I knew you wanted to do this. I am
sure he won't object to your taking it over or working with him at all.  I
had limited time to do  soliciting last year but we still did pretty well as
far as support goes-couldn't find any other volunteers to do it. Diana Lum
helped with follow up and recording donations. Really wanted someone to do
it this year who had time to chase and follow up with these companies. Hope
we can get a few more vendors this year. The hobby is still rather small as
far as companies getting lots of business from us but I think it will grow
rather fast and they will eventually come on board. Email David at
davidlass@villasunscape.com and talk to him about what he will do also. I
can fax or mail my sample letter to you from last year if you want, but I
think you can draw up a nice one to explain our events and need for support
and what they get for their money or donation. I would like to see it before
it goes out if that is ok with you. Good luck on getting support! Charlene


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