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Re: AGA CONTEST - Digest V1 #476

At 03:12 AM 3/8/02 -0800, you wrote:
We need to settle dates quickly - I'm perfectly cool with the Contest being
timed to coincide with the AGA Convention (I only hope that this time
around, I'm able to be there in person). Our "closing date" would have to be
at least 30 days prior to that (perhaps 45 days, to give us some leeway with
the judging). Erik mentioned announcing the event "officially" at the NEC
Convention (April 12-14, 2002). I'm agreeable with this and we could then
make the "web announcement" of the event (i.e. on the APD and other boards)
on the following Monday, April 15, 2002.

I think you may already be too late for publicity. If April 15th is your target release date, you should give the magazines AT LEAST two months from receipt of your item to it actually appearing in subscribers hands. And remember the subscribers need to know in April so they can work over their tank, photo it, get the images back, critique them, rearrange, rephoto, reprocess, prepare entry. Easy four months work for the contestant. So 7-8 months before the submission deadline should be when you send off the press releases. Ooops.

Dave Gomberg, San Francisco       gomberg at wcf dot com
http://www.wcf.com/co2iron for low cost CO2 systems that work!

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