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Re: AGA CONTEST - Digest V1 #476

On Fri, 8 Mar 2002, Karen Randall wrote:

> On that same subject, I'd love it if we could put something in
> the contest info about how to produce publication quality digital images.  I
> know we don't want to INSIST on them for the sake of the contest, but I
> think in many cases, if people knew what publication quality was, they could
> send the images either way.  We could showcase man of these tanks really
> nicely in the magazine if we had better images to work with.

Here is the technical blurb I wrote for BB when I started doing layout:

"For photographs, originals or good duplicates would be preferred.  
However, if electronic files are sent, slides or negatives should be 
scanned at 2400 dpi, prints at 300-600 dpi.  For images from digital 
cameras, send the raw file from the camera.  Preferred formats: jpeg at 
95% or better quality, TIFF or BMP (24-bit).  The closer the submission is 
to the original form, the better (please don't edit the image before you 
send it)."

As to how to take higher quality pictures of the tank to begin with, wow,
it's been consuming me so much recently it feels like I'm doing a talk on
it or something in a month.  Perhaps I can write something up as I prepare 
the talk.

As an attempt to get higher quality submissions (I can't remember if I put 
that in the "autopsy" posting just after last year's contest ended), I 
would like to add the clause "Photographs and artwork will be returned if 
a self-addressed stamped envelope with sufficient return postage is 

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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