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RE: AGA CONTEST - Digest V1 #476

Erik wrote: 

If Dave hasn't updated his copy of Acrobat, I would suggest you do it.  
We had trouble with Acrobat 3, formatting special characters and the
I have Arobat 4, as well as InDesign and Photoshop, plus my usual array
Linux tools.  I would heavily suggest that if we do a "brochure" like
year, that we do it in InDesign or Pagemaker instead of Word.  Word 
doesn't impose documents (re-arrange the pages from 1-2-3-4 to 4-1-2-3
printing the booklet) very well. 

Dave V. writes: 

Agreed.  I have Acrobat 4 now, but can update that easily enough.  I
also agree about Word (yeeck!) and think we should move to something a
little more flexible.  We should try to coordinate as best we can, so we
can all do a little tweak here or there.  I've never used InDesign.
PageMaker I've used a little and can probably get up to speed relatively
quickly.  I'll see if I can find a copy.

One other thing of possible note is that I'm also running Linux on a
couple of boxes now (Linux/XP swappable hard drives on my main machine,
and then my web/mail server box), so hopefully I can be a little more
flexible working with Erik on the layout.  Lately I've been playing
around with GIMP a lot, too.  Erik, are there any Linux programs you
might suggest for the brochure layout?  I ask because Linux tends to be
much cheaper and, well, less proprietary.

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