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RE: Charlene's response

On Fri, 8 Mar 2002, James Purchase wrote:

> I REALLY like David's suggestion that a central function be created to
> handle/coordinate contact between the AGA, any "projects" being officially
> sactioned by the organization (like the Contest and the Convention), and the
> outside world (i.e vendors). It makes a great deal of sense to me and would
> ensure that everyone's needs are considered and respected.

This was kind of what I tried to do last year, except that I tried to have
both contest and convention coordination happening on this list (as
opposed to a third group), with the entire volunteership able to
communicate.  The problem I ran into was mainly lack of volunteers (Bob
Olesen was the only one who offered to contact the magazines), and
criticism from a couple of folks who "signed on for the contest... didn't
give a whit about the stupid convention".  

So perhaps such a group would be a good idea.  Anyone who volunteers for 
such a group would need to be doing so FOR THE AGA, not for any particular 
event, and would need to enjoy contacting industry people.  David and 
yourself and Bob to start maybe?

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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