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Email contact stuff available on my website

Insomnia strikes again and I decided to work on this some more.

Okay, www.vanderwall.org/contest/ contains the contact information I've
collected so far.  The new stuff is in crude text format, but I will
clean it up as I keep working on this.  The site is password protected,
same username and password as the AGA contest mail list archives,
username is "contest" and password is "second" (easier that way).  Let
me know if you have any problems getting in.

I've resolved all of the failure notices that I got back.  Most of them
I was able to search for an updated address on the web, and I sent out
another email to that contact.  So far so good as I have not received
any failure notices for those.  Some I tossed out because I couldn't
find anything or the club/society was off-target (marine societies, for

So now we're just looking for more contacts.  Ken or whomever, let me
know if you find any new ones.  I've got a few more web pages bookmarked
and will keep working on this myself.

Erik, I'll send the updated database tomorrow.  Bed time now.


Dave VanderWall

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