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RE: Categories & PDF


The size breakdown that we used in year one was merely our "best
guesstimate" of what we would receive as entries. As in a lot of things that
we did, we were very aware that changes and adjustments might be needed as
we went along - after all, none of us had done this before. I tend to like
keeping our options open and not saying too much about EXACTLY what
breakdown we will ultimately go with because we never know the mix of tanks
that will be submitted. We tried to break the sizing into chunks that would
make the "odds" more even for everyone - if one category only got a small
number of entries the individuals in that size group would stand a better
chance of winning a prize than if someone entered a category which had a
large number of entries. We are trying to be fair here. For most of us, this
is much more SHOWCASE than CONTEST - the prizes are merely carrots to get
people to enter (if they NEED the carrot, I guess we have to offer them

As for help - let me get the pdf material finished and the web site updated,
then we can start the real push. There will be lots of things you can help
with, trust me......


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