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PDF (and site?)


I think the brochure looks great.  I printed it out and will proof-read
it backwards tomorrow, though I'm sure you copied and pasted where
possible.  The vagaries surrounding the judging of the Garden Pond and
Botanical Art divisions I can accept here for the sake of brevity.
Hopefully this doesn't bite us.  Do we have any official rules or
judging guidelines for the two new "divisions", or just that they "will
be conducted separate from" the aquascaping event?  Any thoughts on

The poster could use some sprucing up, IMHO.  I feel bad saying that
only because I don't have anything to offer up in return for the
criticism.  However, "Show the World you pride and joy!" (sic) is just
not going to cut it. ;-)  Seriously, just with the font selection it is
a tay bit empty-looking on the page.  And I wouldn't capitalize the word
"world" either, but that might just be me.


How are things progressing with the site?  The bumper graphics I've seen
look fine, and I'm anxious to post them somewhere.  I know we need to
make sure everything else is in place first, but there has been enough
talk now that we should have *some* reference to a 2002 contest
somewhere on the AGA site, no?  I'm also wondering if you will
incorporate a sign-up page, or a link to an email address that
specifically references something to the effect of, "Email here to be
contacted about this contest in the future"?  We talked about that a
little bit, and you set up the showcase@aquatic-gardeners.org address
for such a purpose.

That's all I got right now.  Things have been busy for me, too.  Moving
in T minus 8 to 20 days. :-)  Hopefully renting the both places in May
will help make the transition easier.  Right now the main worry is
making sure my Internet access is not interrupted.

Dave VanderWall

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