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RE: PDF (and site?)

There isn't room in the brochure to duplicate the rules for another
division. As I see it, the main change needed to adapt the rules we already
have (for aquascapes) is to change the word "aquascape" for "garden pond" -
the same sort of rules should be able to be applied to both. This can (and
will) be put on the web site.

The Botanical Art division, in my view, doesn't even need to be "judged" -
at least not by any predetermined set of rules. I don't presume to try and
guess at the types of entries this category might attract (if any), so I
don't even want to go any further than I have in the brochure as far as
setting up "rules" for it.

I make no claims to being a graphic designer - maybe we could go to the APD
and ask for a volunteer to do us a poster. I don't have the time to worry
about redoing the one I posted.

I have the text from the web site, and I'm working on "generalizing" it, to
accomodate the new categories, but from what I can see right now, there IS
going to have to be some minor programing changes regarding buttons and such
that only Erik can do - if he's willing to do it. When I registered with the
site and tried to enter a drawing, it doesn't seem sensible to be using the
same fields as are needed for an aquascape (although those same fields would
work just fine for a pond).

If he's NOT able to do it, that presents us with a problem, because it will
be awkard for people to enter something into a framework expecting an

I'm wondering - and asking for honest answers here, if there is REAL
objection to the inclusion of these new facets into the mix. I asked this
same question weeks ago and none of the objections seemed plausible (at
least to me at the time). If people DON'T want the new categories - and can
give me REAL resons why they shouldn't be included, SPEAK UP. If your
reasoning is "because its an aquascaping contest", SAY SO. But say so NOW,
not 6 months from now, and please give some thoughts to your reasoning -
will it really hurt the aquascaping to include other things into the mix?


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