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Re: AGA CONTEST - Digest V1 #501

At 03:12 AM 4/25/02 -0700, you wrote:
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 14:39:06 -0500
From: "Dave VanderWall" <dave@vanderwall.org>
Subject: Brochure update needed (PayPal and CC)


Just so it doesn't get lost in all the other banter, we will probably
want to change the brochure to state that we WILL be accepting PayPal
and credit cards (via PayPal).  Not sure how you want to word that.
Someone else speak up if they know better, but I think we should
definitely state "credit cards via PayPal", or something like that,
because PayPal will charge the credit card holder a little extra for
their service.  This is as opposed to the AGA accepting a credit card
outright, which is not going to be the case.


Dave VanderWall

I find this all very confusing.

1. Why do we have to say EXACTLY how payment can be made in the brochure. Why not: "Visit www.aga.com to find last minute updates and convenient payment terms" or some such?

2. Why are we not going to take real credit cards? I can take them for the AGA if the AGA wishes. Nothing for my time, cost from my cc service for the processing (2.9%+.15 per transaction, I believe). VISA and MC. I will then write a check for the whole amount to AGA.

Please advise.....

Dave Gomberg, San Francisco   NE5EE     gomberg at wcf dot com
http://www.wcf.com/co2iron for low cost CO2 systems that work!

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