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"Final" email address update...


Tired -- of -- looking -- for -- email -- addresses ... Must -- stop --

I finished off all of the English-speaking clubs I could find (including
one in Denmark, none in the Netherlands) and I have the "final" listing
posted on my web site.  Whoops, just received an email from West
Cornwall Fishkeepers, so moved them to the "confirmed" listing.  He says
he will bring up the AGA at their next meeting, and he's a U.K. contact.
Cool beans.

I would encourage everyone to go to www.vanderwall.org/contest (user is
"aga-contest" password is "second" -- you may have to enter it twice for
some strange reason) and check out the "working list of addresses" link
(the bold one) to see if you can add to the list.  Be sure to check out
the "confirmed" and "dead" links to see if the club is listed there
before sending me the info.  Please note that I have removed all the
email addresses for security purposes, so just the club name and country
is listed (I was just imagining some web-bot coming along and spamming
all the addresses, even though the contest directory is password
protected and disallowed in robots.txt).

If anyone is interested I could post a plain-text list here, but the
list is long (117 clubs on the "working" list).

James, if you want I could send you the info in Excel or whatever.  Just
let me know.  Also let me know if you want me to email non
English-speaking folks.  I never got a yea or nea on that.

Panic, chaos, disorder ... My work here is done. ;-)


Dave VanderWall
Minneapolis, MN

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