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Email contacts for AGA contest

Dave V and others:

Dave V. sent several of us a list of "dead" email addresses that he
tried to contact for the contest. I looked up the ones in the US and
tried to find alternate addresses that weren't on his "returns" list.

I wanted to list them here just in case someone on this list knows
something about the society and could add alternate email addresses. 

BTW, for those of you who are reading this email: over the past two
years, I have taken part in looking up and confirming email address for
the societies and it can be a tedious and mind-numbing chore. Just
looking up the few names below took me over an hour.  What Dave V. has
done this year is commendable and, I, for one, appreciate his efforts
(thanks Dave).

See list below:

Federation of American Aquarium Societies: Programs - jmont@soltec.net
shows - jbenes01@yahoo.com website - http://www.aaquaria.com/FAAS/

Jersey Shore AS - info@jerseyshoreas.org

Marine AS of NA (MASNA) n_swart@msn.com (that is n_swart)

Michigan Cichlid Association - Programs - wetthumbaquatics@cs.com

Monadnock Region AS - service@diversifiedcomputer.com (not

North East Alabama AS - darrel@internettport.net

Ken Guin
Front Royal, VA

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